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What to pay attention to when using aluminum alloy die-casting

Release time:2020-08-07

The correct use of' target='_blank'>aluminum alloy die-casting molds can not only extend the life of aluminum alloy die-casting molds, but also improve the quality of the products. So what issues should be paid attention to in the process of using aluminum alloy die-casting molds?

First, the mold parting surface is cleaned up. If the flash is not removed in time, the mold parting surface can easily collapse, causing aluminum to run during the production process. This not only increases the cost of die casting, but also wastes aluminum materials and products. The quality is also unstable and increases the probability of work-related injuries.

aluminum alloy die-casting molds

Second, when each team and team takes over, they should carefully check in accordance with the "Mold Check Sheet" and find that the problem is solved in time to avoid causing unnecessary trouble to themselves.

Third, the use of mold cooling systems. When the mold cooling water is used correctly, it not only prolongs the service life of the mold, but also improves production efficiency, effectively extends the life of the mold, saves the die-casting cycle, improves product quality, and reduces the use of mold release agents.

Fourth, the mold must be preheated during the production process to prevent the cold mold from cracking when it suddenly encounters the hot metal liquid.

Fifth, if the mold is equipped with neutron control, it is forbidden to have a signal line between the die casting machine and the mold to prevent the die casting mold from being damaged.

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